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Pictures: Greta Wilhelm


BILDUNG? comes as a response to observing our time as one of political and ideological chaos: in the rise of fascist ideas, conspiracy theories, miseducation and distortion of history, the solo urgently discusses our ability to communicate as human beings.


The piece departed from the ideas of education, awareness and conflict resolution - and ended up focusing on the impossibility of clarity and the fantasy of silence.

From the idea of a danced TED-Talk about the issues of communication, the solo unfolded into sections where set and improvised movement scores interlace with the manipulation of the setting design, spoken communication with the audience and moments of stillness.

The performer navigates the stage representing their own mind, and remodels their surrounding as they attempt clear communication. A computer voice accompanies their unsuccessful task of performing objectively. The tangled sound design and text deliver the complexity of the information with sarcasm, wit and absurdness, bringing the ridiculous to the atmosphere of the piece. 

The solo unfolds in a dream-like, non-sensical, detached environment, where the individual undergoes the challenge of their own questions.

BILDUNG? served as Joao's Master Thesis in Choreography at the Palucca University (2020).



sound design


set design                GRETA WILHELM


costume design         GRETA WILHELM

                              TALITHA WOLF

light design              GEOHWAN JU


video                      JACKSON ABACATU

music                      GABRIEL PROKOFIEV

                             JOHANN S. BACH

mentorship              TIMOTHY COUCHMAN

A collaboration between the Palucca University of Dance Dresden and the University of Visual Arts Dresden.

Premiered at the Labortheater Dresden in November 2020.

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